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Sobriety 2.0: It’s much MORE than just deleting the booze.
Hi, I’m Stacy and I am consciously living a sober lifestyle. For a full year + a day now. And, wow, what a hell of a year it’s been to give up mind-numbing substances. And to commit fully to deleting EVERYTHING in my life that’s not meant for me. It’s been LIFECHANGING in all the best ways. Why? Read on!
There are SO many ways my life feels better these days physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. For starters, booze (all kinds!) falls into the same category as gluten when it comes to the physical effects it has on me. If I touch either, I feel shitty within the hour. My stomach hurts. My eyes get itchy. A headache is a no-brainer (pun intended!) and I for sure won’t sleep well that night. My skin will probably break out, and I’ll feel foggy for a minimum of 24 hours.
SO, as much as I sometimes crave “real” bread, I am celiac so I don’t touch it. I opt for the “healthier” alternatives made with not-wheat flours, and this allows me to feel way better and operate at a higher frequency. Same with booze. It’s never really agreed with me, I was just slow to admit that it belonged with gluten in the “NEVER good for me” bucket. Now I know better, so I do better. I’ve normalized saying “no thanks” when offered booze, and learned to LOVE mocktails.