T is for Trusting the Unknown

Stacy Hope Small
2 min readApr 1, 2016


In preparation for a week in the company of Deepak Chopra here on Maui, I’ve been listening to my favorite soundtrack of his called “”The Soul of Healing Affirmations” (available on Spotify). I randomly chose an affirmation to begin with and the message about T being for “Trusting the Unknown” was pretty perfect considering my need to make a conscious, daily choice to let go of whatever I think should be happen and simply “ Trust the Unknown.”

I saw a saying recently that really resonated with me: “When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” I made a mental note to come back to this thought, keep it in my back pocket as an always-available mantra and repeat it to myself anytime I started slipping away from being comfortable trusting the unknown. It’s never comfortable not knowing what may or may not happen, but it’s also exciting. When you don’t know the answers, anything can happen.

As Deepak says on his affirmations track: “Today I will step into the unknown. By trusting the unknown, I will find creativity, intuition, insight and conscious choice making. I will relinquish the known which is the prison of my past conditioning. I will enter the field of infinite possibilities.”

So many seemingly “bizarre” things have happened to me this week, that it’s actually all making perfect sense. I’ve developed a very clear understanding that things rarely go as expected but all always makes sense when we stop dwelling on the past or how we think our life is supposed to go. When we trust that all is happening exactly as it is supposed to, in our own best interest, that’s when the magic really starts to happen. Trust the Unknown…nothing but incredible experiences can come from doing so.



Stacy Hope Small
Stacy Hope Small

Written by Stacy Hope Small

Founder & CEO: Elite Travel Club | Author: Why Not Me?!? | Santa Monica, CA

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