There is always a million little things going on, for all of us.

Stacy Hope Small
3 min readMar 6, 2021

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I turned on episode one of “A Million Little Things” on Hulu. But I am now 16 episodes in, and I can’t stop watching this heart-tugging series that keeps making me cry. Why? It’s only a TV show, shouldn’t it be entertainment? And if it’s sad, shouldn’t I click it off instead of watching episode after episode? Ha. I tried that. But, it’s just too well done and has too much substance to NOT watch the next episode to see what happens next to each of the complicated (yet authentically lovable) characters. True confession: I LOVE it. I love watching “other” people’s issues even though some of them hit very close to home.

If you haven’t yet watched it, I won’t spoil the party BUT know there isn’t a life lesson or challenge that the plot lines haven’t touched. Topics including suicide, depression, breast cancer, infidelity, friendship, sexuality, teen angst, rescue dogs, online dating, divorce, Alzheimer’s, racism, fear, alcoholism, dysfunctional families, death, discrimination weave their way into my living room each time I turn the show on. It’s fascinating. And each story line reminds me of something I’ve been through OR know people who’ve been through. And, it reminds me how grateful I am for all I do have and all that I do not (and choose not) to have.

This world of “AMLT” characters and all of their issues triggers so many emotions and reminds me of the “million little things” I’ve personally been through. We all have our list of a “million little things” that’s shaped who we are, and how we go through life. I’ve chosen to NOT let the heaviness of the past get in the way of enjoying the present or being excited about the future. Life gets dark, no matter who we are or how evolved we are. But, we have the choice to move past the million things put on our path, and look forward instead of back.

This TV show brings up a LOT of triggers for me, having lost both parents to cancer, and being on a path to finding peace and joy despite life being a never-ending series of challenges and choices. I choose to find joy where I can, even on days like today when I woke up to a really stressful email without a quick resolution in sight, and then had to get two cavities filled at a new dentist here on Maui. Not going to go down as the BEST day in recent history but definitely NOT the worst, not even close.

As I watch episode after episode of this bizarrely entertaining show, the moral of the story remains: Life is short and things can change any moments. It’s just plot twist after plot twist, and choices shape outcome. There truly are a million reasons to be happy and find peace, even when there are a million little things going on at any given time.



Stacy Hope Small

Founder & CEO: Elite Travel Club | Author: Why Not Me?!? | Santa Monica, CA